(844) 443-4546

About Us

Our Values Shape Our Actions

Our values guide us each day in our decisions, our actions and our commitment to our clients. We promise to always:

  • Respect
  • Trust but Verify
  • DWYSYWGTDWYSYWGTDI (Do what you said you were going to do when you said you were going to it)
  • Pledge 1% of our time to separate not-for-profit organizations

Meet Our Experts




Founding Partner

As an accomplished technology leader with over 20 years of experience in analyzing , understanding, and visualizing data, founding partner Mark Koelsch brings a unique mixture of software engineering and consulting skills to the table. From implementing BI and big data solutions to architecting and engineering the tools used to do so, Mark has a proven track record in helping clients recognize and reach their goals.



Founding Partner

As an accomplished leader with over 20 years of experience in assessing a client’s current state and then designing and building iterative solutions to meet or exceed those needs, founding partner Josh Monson partners with clients to perceive and then achieve their desired future state via goal alignment, process management and consultative skills. 

Ready To Improve Your Future?